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Mythical Beasts of France

Mythical Beasts of france

Mythical beasts project

Slight confession, we love France. How can you argue with Monet, David , Moreau, Bonheur, Doré, Lautrec, Degas, Delacroix, Seurat, Matisse, Gérôme, Fouquet, Chardin, Renoir, Gaultier, Chanel, Méliès, Jeunet, Hugo, Verne, Voltaire, Satre, Curie, Pasteur, Piaf, Gainsbourg? That's just a few, and is before we even get on to architecture, museums, galleries, food, drink and on and on. France's cultural output is an absolute beast!


The cultural juggernaut of France has a vast mythology to complement it. Sharing stories with its bordering countries and Cornwall, it infuses them together into a rich bouillabaisse of beasties.


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